1. My husband's come to town.
That could easily be the only reason for not blogging for the last week. I have to soak up every moment I have with him since he's near me so seldom. When he's around I want to spend all of my time leaning against his shoulder, walking hand-in-hand, talking rubbish with him.
But the list continues:
2. We're shooting a bit of an impromptu piece of screendance. The piece is about a woman who gets lost in the depths of the country after her car breaks down. I spent a lot of my free time before John arrived scouting remote locations, especially gravel roads. We've spent the last week running from deserted road to woodland field, pulling out our littl
3.John and I have this sudden and overwhelming obsession with Ricky Gervais' "Extras." Richard, my roommate, has both seasons on DVD and we can't seem to get enough. Daniel Radcliffe chucking a condom at Diana Riggs is reason enough for me to plop down in front of the telly.
4. I have a friend overseas who urged me to join Facebook. I'm obsessed. I don't know how to stop.
5. It takes bloody 1/2 an hour to get anywhere in this huge, bucolic county. I drive constantly. Makes me long for the city.
So it's after midnight and we're watching the last episode of Extras and we're driving to the
i love Ricky Gervais...i will watch anything with just a smattering of him. case in point: Night at the Museum.
why is Facebook so obsessive? how is that different from mySpace?
Good to see you looking so happy!
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