Friday, November 03, 2006

Wal-Mart Thinks Bin Laden has been Delivering their Chips

So, this poor Argentinian man, Oscar Brufani, makes his living delivering potato chips to markets around Argentina. His biggest customer was Wal-Mart until a couple of years ago, when he showed up to deliver and the following happened:

"Brufani already noticed the two men in suits when he was unloading his crates: They were staring at him. They eyeballed him, whispered to each other, looked at him again. Then they went to the store manager's office.

"You can't work here anymore. Orders from upstairs," the store manager said when she finally arrived at the car park, Brufani remembers. He asked whether he had done anything wrong, and she told him no -- the problem was his beard. "The controllers think you look like Osama bin Laden. If you appear on any of the images recorded by the security cameras, I'll lose my job."

Those North Americans are nuts, Brufani thought to himself. Do they really think bin Laden would spend his time delivering chips to a Wal-Mart store in La Plata?"

What the hell is wrong with people in our country? The man wears a beard because he likes it. Hell, my father wore a full beard for years and years, would he be banned from work today because he looked too much like a terrorist mastermind? Fear has taken over. Bush has perpetuated it. And that, more than anything else people are doing, is helping the terrorists at their work. He has helped the terrorists achieve exactly what they wanted - making our entire country break down its freedoms because we are "terrified" of what will happen if we maintain our way of life.

Read the full article by clicking on the link below.

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