Sunday, September 11, 2005

"Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream"

How did I spend September 11th? ("Patriot Day," as it says in my day planner).. I emailed a bunch of people that I love but rarely talk to. I spent the morning relishing the fact that I could wake up next to my dearest love. I hugged my cat for hours.

I spent the evening looking at more coverage of our nation's idiotic government with my honey. When we think of 9/11, we think that we must take steps to never let something like that happen again. Getting Bush out of office is our first step towards that goal. Whenever I think we're done talking about Katrina, the horrid wake-up call that will hopefully get the rest of the country on the page I've been on for some time now, one of us finds or is sent another news article and we fall right back into a conversation of disbelief and frustration. This audio clip of Robert Siegel interviewing Michael Chertoff on NPR is especially appalling.

I have no understanding for anyone who continues to stand by our government at this point in time.

I can't look at anymore of this stuff tonight, but will pass it on to you. The title quote is a wonderful saying by our own President. It links to a quiz of "Bushisms" that had John and I doubled over this afternoon. Humor can save us all.

I'm off to hug my cat some more..

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