Thursday, May 11, 2006

Rain, Rain Go Away..

Right now I'm actually enjoying a bit of sun outside, where it's been raining nonstop for the last several days. Apparently, the dismal, abnormally cold weather is supposed to persist through the rest of the week. I was supposed to go to the zoo with my family on Mom's Day, but will instead make the drive to Rocheport to see them all on their home turf; no one wants to risk being rained upon.

Everyone's still in a sunny mood however. Thank heavens for sunny dispositions when it's cold and wet outside. We are continuing to have great rehearsals. I directed a run yesterday while Michael was taking care of some business from his apartment, and everyone was highly present and taking direction very well. I love the constant thought processes that are evident every time we go through this opera. All of our singers have thought heavily about who they are playing and why they are making the decisions they do. Maria Zifchak, our Witch/Mother, is especially amazing to watch as she quickly transforms from a hurting mother to the saccharin equivalent of the devil incarnate.

My only complaint about this process thus far (and this is really picking nits, I must say) is that we've moved into the new space but are still being shuffled around a bit as the building continues to be finished and perfected. We'll be back in the old studios today, and then back in the new hall over the weekend. Such is the plight of being such a small, together show. If this is the only thing to complain about . . . well . . . we're doing alright.

My best friend came down to visit for a couple of days on Tuesday and we had a great night of popcorn, liquer and "Brokeback Mountain." We finally broke down (no pun intended) and rented the movie. I had been somewhat reluctant to see it because I find that the hype never lives up to what it's trying so desperately to sell. I must say, I liked the film, though it led itself to a few jokes between friends as we watched. Everyone told me I would cry at the end and I didn't. I certainly empathized with the two men, but it frustrated me to see them treating their families so badly because of their pain with each other. It's very human, but I still hate that pain begets pain.

Suffice to say, I'm glad I saw it.

So, I'm off to a day of costume meetings and cover rehearsals. I'm sure there will be much more to recount later.

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