Sunday, November 06, 2005

How I Spent My Sunday Evening

So we finished our production meeting following the piano dress rehearsal at 11:30, and I was in my car and home by 11:50. I thought I would work for an hour on typing notes for principals and then get a good night's sleep so we can begin level setting the lights tomorrow morning. So far so good.

At midnight, Sherrie Dee, our production stage manager, calls me up and asks what I'm doing. Lillian Groag, our director, had a dead battery in her parking lot at home. Sherrie had driven her home and was going to jump her car, but they couldn't get it out of the parking place so, no matter where Sherrie put her car, the jumper cables wouldn't reach. She knew I also had jumper cables so if we could just put them together . . .

Almost half an hour later, after jumping back in my car, I end up at Lillian's parking garage, standing in between the two cars, holding the rubber end of the cables at their connection point in my hands. The three of us are exhausted. Lillian is beside herself because this is the second car she's had from this rental car establishment (see link) and the second car to have major problems. I'm trying not to fall asleep while we're charging the battery.

The car starts. We cheer. Lillian gives me a huge hug. I take my jumper cables and go home. So much for getting work done. So much for the three of us being lucid during the lighting session in the morning.

It's 1:18 in the morning here and I have just walked in the door. My bed is looking very, very comfy. . .

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