Thursday, November 17, 2005

A Little Quote

This is my family. I found it, all on my own. It's little and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good.

A quote from "Lilo and Stitch" that embodies all of those found families we create in this odd world of the performing arts. I think in order to get by as we travel from job to job, living off of hotel food and spending evenings combating homesickness by sitting at a bar, hoping last call doesn't come until we are too tired to care, we slowly piece meal together a family of like-minded individuals. It's constantly evolving but always there and is absolutely what keeps us sane in this rootless life we live.

Perhaps "little" is not the best word (though I think broken is very accurate) because, as we continue to travel and work, the family grows and grows so that wherever we are we have people we can grasp onto, with whome we can feel a semblance of home.

16 weeks is too long to be away from my real life.

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