Tuesday, October 18, 2005

P'raps There's Hope

Missouri lost a Supreme Court ruling Monday and now must take a prison inmate to a St. Louis clinic for an abortion.

The inmate celebrated victory while a governor trying to burnish his pro-life credentials fumed.

A few posts ago I linked to an article stating that the Supreme Court had put a hold on a Missouri judge's decision that a prison inmate in Kansas City should be transported to an abortion clinic. It was disheartening to see but now that the actual ruling has come through (and apparently unanimous), I am feeling hopeful about what might be coming in the next few years.

The part of this whole debacle that really stinks is the Missouri law. If you look at the first article, the timeline looks a bit suspicious to me. This woman was arrested in California right after she found out she was pregnant in July. She tried to get an abortion before being extradited to Missouri, but she was rushed back to her arresting state where they had just passed legislation (rushed through in JULY) that Missourians could not spend tax dollars to transport an inmate to get an abortion, therefore making it impossible for her to get to a clinic.

Maybe I'm just an incredible cynic, but something seems a little fishy to me. Thank god that the supreme court recognized the Missouri law's infringement on a woman's right to choose.

I'm glad I don't live in that state anymore (no offence to my parents, who have a beautiful farm).

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