Saturday, October 29, 2005

The Show Must Go On

The generator's working. We are all cranky at the opera, but dealing and continuing to rehearse as much as possible. We are laughing a lot - out of tension - but still laughing. The first picture is of our callboard at the rehearsal hall. A little humor goes a long way.

Yesterday eight of us piled into one car and drove to an electrically charged area to eat at Baja Fresh. We were like high school kids piled on top of one another and laughing hysterically but this is what keeps us sane. Lillian and I are still without power (she is worse off than me taking cold showers still. I, at least, have a gas-powered hot water heater).

This photo is a picture of a ton of us in front of our beloved generator on the first day of rehearsals. From right to left: Bob Heuer, our General Director, Les Greenwald, ?, Patrick Moss, our head of P.R., Patrick Hansen, Jody Gage, brilliant ASM, Sasha Vukovich, Andy Chugg, our sweet artistic administrator (who did "Fanciulla" at Glimmerglass and is having a hard time not doing it now), Vladimir Vukovich, our director of production, Doug Kinney-Frost, our chorus director, Chelsea Antrim, another brilliant ASM, Jeff Buchman, Billy Jackrabbit in "Fanciulla", Sherrie Dee Brewer, PSM extraordinaire!, Ivana Diez, another ASM, Fenna Ograjensek, Wowkle in "Fanciulla", Cassandra (our costume coordinator). We are surviving. We are eating, we are getting work done, our lives are continuing, however stressful and overwhelming. We are living in interesting times, in the Chinese sense.

There are cops directing traffic at the intersection in front of the rehearsal hall. During a break, all of the boys in the cast piled outdoors to get some sunlight while still wearing their gunbelts, with rifles slung over their shoulders and bowie knives attached to their belt. The cops were freaked out and in a frenzy until the whole thing was explained. We are living (all of us...cops included) in a surreal existence down here.

Change is coming. Thank god.

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