Sunday, October 23, 2005

The Tree I'm Worried About (and other reasons I'm obsessing)

This is the huge, vine-covered, weeping tree in the front yard of my little apartment. Please think good thoughts that it will still be standing. Every other tree in the neigborhood can snap at the roots, but this one needs to stay up!

Brian, my landlord's son, put down the hurricane shutters this morning. The wind has picked up a bit and when you're standing outside, all you can hear are drills and hammers as people shutter all of their windows. The cats are restless and the clouds are moving quickly. Every once in a while, the sun peeks through and everything seems normal for that brief moment.

The only window not covered, of course, is mine. Brian claims that it is shatter-proof and should withstand the hurricane. It makes me infinitely nervous to leave it unprotected but I'm not sure what I can do at this point. That's Lucius staring out at me. I think he wonders why I'm acting like such a ninny. I have a big shower in a little bathroom and I am planning on holing up in there if anything horrid happens. I hope all of the other Northerners and Midwesterners down here working on "Fanciulla" are faring as well as I am and have all the provisions they need.

Here it comes....


Anonymous said...

Here it comes! Duck. Maybe it will take a sharp right turn and miss you guys all together. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Keturah said...

Thanks Priscilla. Let's all hope for that.

Anonymous said...

I hope you are able to calm down after that storm. You don't handle the storms well and it is awful you were all alone through Wilma! I love you,

Anonymous said...

Hey Mom have you heard from her?